As a long pandemic winter appears to be coming to an end, GHS is pleased to report that our Wright-designed Cottage Relocation/Exterior Renovation Project also has a finish line in sight. Our contractor reports that ComEd established electrical service to the Cottage yesterday. Other utilities have already been connected with the exception of the sewer service which we anticipate will be done shortly.
Weather permitting, our contractor plans to complete the restoration of the exterior siding and finish work on the roof and downspouts during the coming week. Completion of the soffit restoration is targeted for March 23rd and the front entry porch should be completed by March 30th.
After the front entry is finished, the contractor will clean the site and remove the dumpster and fencing. We expect this to happen on or about April 1st. At that point, all that will remain is the exterior painting (scheduled for April 15th), the installation of the sidewalks and the final grading and sod. Our concrete expert visited the site last week to evaluate how soon the sidewalk work could begin. He has scheduled that work for April 1, weather permitting. If he is able to start on that date, he anticipates that of all of the sidewalks (around the Cottage and across the park) should be completed by April 20. Our general contractor would then finish any remaining grading and install the sod.
GHS very much appreciates everyone’s patience throughout all of the pandemic and weather challenges presented by this project. Although it may have been difficult at times to picture how the Cottage would look when the exterior was fully restored, the progress made in the past few weeks has shown exciting results. As everyone knows, historic restoration is a unique category of construction work. It requires dedication and a painstaking attention to detail. GHS is fortunate to have a highly experienced team that is committed to doing this project correctly. The results of their work, which has already received a great deal of positive national press, will ultimately be a source of pride for all of us.